
Steamy Time Travel &
Historical Romance


Scene Workshop

This page contains the information about generating scenes following the methodology set out in the StoryGrid Scene Workshop.

The specific parameters required for a working scene are:

Who is the protagonist?

The avatar acting as the protagonist is clear. The protagonist is the avatar that provides output.

Who or what is the antagonist?

The avatar or force acting as the antagonist in the scene is clearly apparent

Is there a value shift from the beginning to the end of the

What are the objects of desire (OOD)s? 

Each avatar must have a single OOD within the scene

Are the OODs for the scene in direct conflict with one another?

Each avatar has an OOD that conflicts with the other avatar(s) OOD. If one avatar obtains their OOD, the other avatar(s) by definition are unable to obtain their OOD.

Are the 5 commandments present?

Each scene must have the 5 commandments of storytelling – 

Inciting Incident: This is the event that kicks off the main action of the scene. It disrupts the protagonist’s ordinary world and sets them on the path of the scene narrative. 

Progressive Complication(s): These are the obstacles, conflicts, and challenges that the protagonist faces as they pursue their goals throughout the scene. Each complication should escalate the tension and raise the stakes. 

Crisis: The crisis is the moment of highest tension and conflict in the scene, where the protagonist faces a
critical decision or dilemma. It’s a make-or-break moment that forces the protagonist to confront their fears or weaknesses. 

Climax: The climax is the culmination of the scene’s conflict, where the protagonist confronts their greatest challenge head-on. It’s the most intense and dramatic moment, leading to the resolution of the main scene conflict. 

Resolution: The resolution provides closure to the scene by resolving the central conflict and tying up loose ends. It shows the aftermath of the climax and reveals the consequences of the protagonist’s actions. 

Does the scene work?

All these items must be present for the scene to be a working scene

What is the scene word count?

The scene workshop specifies 800 words as a MAXIMUM word length

A note on genre: if the external genre is present the internal genre tends to follow through the narrative.

The Master Google Drive where scenes for review are held is available HERE


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