Steamy Time Travel &
Historical Romance
In 2024, I’d like to offer more opportunities to provide complimentary content to my readership. I will be distibuting one serialized steaming hot time travel romance this year, and the members of these groups below will be entered into the list of subscribers receiving THE LAST TEMPLAR:
Isabel is touring Europe when she’s swept off her feet by a tall Nordic hunk in Vatican City. Overcome by their instant chemistry, she accompanies him back to his hotel, anticipating a night of passion that may not even involve exchanging names.
Her hookup extends to weeks of hot sex. Then she finds herself speaking to Hugh Perry, who calls himself Marshall of the Knights Templar. He needs to recruit Isabel for his own Grail Quest!
He – and her lover – claim to be Knights Templar, born in the Middle Ages and transported to modern times. Their current mission, blessed by today’s Pope, is to preserve what divine treasures can be saved from the chaos of their order’s Medieval betrayal.
They insist that Isabel return to 1291 to safely usher a shipment of the holiest relics from Mamluk Jerusalem across the Levant to the port at Tyre and eventual safety in Christendom.
Why Isabel? Because they know this is what she has already done.
Each month, every AHR reader has the opportunity to win one of three free ebooks by entering that month’s giveaway. Entering is as simple as joining one of my newsletter mailing lists, following a page on social media, liking a post, or reviewing a book. Enter to win as often as you like – throughout the year each giveaway will have both new titles to be released and books from my backlist as prizes!
Each month, every AHR reader can also receive complimentary content by filling out one of my monthly surveys. I found these surveys to be so helpful in terms of creating content last year that I plan to continue regularly asking my readership for feedback – any reader who provides their answers to the 5 to 10 questions on a survey will receive regular download links to THE LAST TEMPLAR.
Each month, every AHR reader Birthday Club member will receive complimentary content just by being enrolled in their birthday month. All members of the club receive THE LAST TEMPLAR, but one monthly winner will receive their book of choice as a birthday gift from me. Unless, of course, that is the month I choose to gift all members with a book!
I also have to say that I am a big ALICE IN WONDERLAND and Very Merry Unbirthday fan – I may find myself randomly gifting my Birthday Club members an Unbirthday Present as well. You never know!.
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