Steamy Time Travel &
Historical Romance
This page contains all the information needed to connect with the cohort – whether it’s to join a meeting on Zoom, access recordings or work to review, or to contact the cohort by email, all the necessary links are provided below:
LAUNCH THE WEEKLY COHORT ZOOM MEETING: The 2024 Cohort meeting series runs weekly every Sunday in the afternoon (European time) and morning in the US. The link to the scheduled Zoom meetings is available HERE.
ACCESS THE RECORDINGS OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS: Each Zoom meeting is available in both video recording and transcript format, and both are available on the Zoom recordings page HERE for each session.
FIND THE COHORT SCENE WORKSHOP INTENSIVE RESOURCES: Most recently the Cohort has been focusing on the Scene Workshop and analysis of working scenes from that workshop, as well as those following the StoryGrid scene rules written by Cohort members. The focused learning from these sessions can be found HERE.
THE STORYGRID MASTERWORKS: All the information and needed links for the Year 1 and Year 2 Masterworks are shown HERE.
ACCESS COHORT WORK FROM PRIOR SESSIONS: Especially as the group has been analyzing scenes following the StoryGrid scene writing workshop method, the scenes for review and other resources for analysis are provided for each work session HERE. This page also contains links to the information about other StoryGrid work from our prior lessons, including the Year 1 and Year 2 Masterworks.
EMAIL THE COHORT MEMBERS: Direct links to quickly email any individual Cohort member, or all of us together are available here.
This page contains our own analyses of scenes from the StoryGrid scene workshop or from our own scenes – either practice or those from individual WIPs. Access scenes and their analysis HERE
This page contains all the information and links to the book pages for Year 1 and Year 2 StoryGrid Masterworks. Access the Masterworks page HERE.
This page contains our own analyses (not of masterwork assignments but if we apply StoryGrid principles to WIP or other masterworks)
Access the Cohort Work page by clicking HERE
2024 April 28: Tim’s Lover’s Meet scene 1 and 2
As the Cohort continues to review scene construction following the StoryGrid Scene Workshop Methodology (a very long name for the required principles under StoryGrid to produce working scenes), the opportunity to watch Tim have his own work ripped to shreds appealed. The Cohort has both the original and the second draft scene hard copy to review (which can be found HERE), along with links to both YouTube recordings, in which the shredding was done.
A NOTE: The site has been down more than once in the first quarter of 2024, and unfortunately my limits on time (my own fault as I overscheduled writing through May 2024) will limit my ability to keep up with all the content, but I will be catching us up on a regular basis this summer – stay tuned!
An Assemblage of Helpful Links (Login to StoryGrid may be required for access):
The StoryGrid Master Works Database
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All rights reserved. Website by Bogdan Petrunin
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